Crashed aircraft manufactured in 1958 : MP raises questions

The PT-6 aircraft that crashed yesterday killing two Air Force officials was assembled in 1958, Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) MP Dayasiri Jayasekera stated. 

Addressing the Parliament today, MP Jayasekera stated that the aircraft manufactured in China had been assembled in 1958 and fitted with an engine manufactured in 1961.

Emphasizing that the PT-6 fleet should be on display at a museum, the SLFP MP stated that it should not be used to train pilots.

MP Dayasiri Jayasekera stated that six pilots have died in crashes involving PT-6 aircraft in Sri Lanka.

Pointing out that the aircraft was unfit for training sessions, the MP questioned who will take responsibility for the deaths repeatedly occurring due to its usage.

The SLFP MP raised the matter while addressing the deaths of an Air Force Wing Commander and an Aircraft Engineer/ Flying Officer while conducting an air test of a PT-6 aircraft in China Bay in the Eastern Province yesterday. 

Wing Commander Tharindu Herath and Flying Officer Peshan Warnasooriya had departed from the airstrips of China Bay around 11.25 am after which the aircraft crashed at an area inside the China Bay Camp around 11.27 am, killing them both.

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