Fuel price hike : Update on Three-wheeler & bus fares

Three-wheeler fares will not be increased despite a hike in fuel prices, the All Island Three Wheeler Owners’ Association (AITWOA) announced.

President of the Association, Sudil Jayaruk said they do not intend to further burden the public with fare hikes as they are already facing hardship due to the economic crisis. 

His comments come after fuel prices were increased with effect from midnight yesterday (Aug. 31). 

Meanwhile, the National Transport Commission (NTC) says there are high chances of bus fares being increased due to a hike in diesel prices.

According to Lankadeepa, a senior official of the NTC said that if the recent price hike is more than 4% as per the pricing formula, then bus fares will have to be increased.

The senior official further said that the NTC will announce its decision on bus fare revision today.