Importing vehicles paying tax in Dollars : Minister responds to proposal

The Government is yet to permit the importation of vehicles, as it has only prioritized the imports of essential items at the moment, State Minister Shehan Semasinghe informed Parliament yesterday. 

In response to a question raised by Government MP Premanath C. Dolawatte, the State Minister said vehicle imports are yet to be permitted, despite several proposals having been received in this regard.

Stating that even though the Government has received several proposals on vehicle imports, State Minister Semasinghe said priority has been given to utilize dollars for the importation of essential goods only.

Raising his proposal once again, MP Dolawatte questioned if the Government would consider allowing Sri Lankans living overseas to send vehicles back home by paying the customs duty also in dollars.

He pointed out that this would help keep the rising vehicle prices down and provide dollars to the Government as the customs duty will be paid in dollars.

Responding to the query, State Minister Shehan Semasinghe said vehicles and other non-essential goods would be allowed to be imported only after resolving the existing dollar crisis.