Indian teen with autism swims from SL to Tamil Nadu in 13-hours

An autistic teenage girl from India has completed a 28.5 km sea swim from Talaimannar in Sri Lanka to Arichalmunai in Tamil Nadu’s Dhanushkodi in 13-hours. 

According to India Today, Jiya Rai, who is a 13-year-old autistic girl from Mumbai, is the daughter of a Navy officer.

Rai had begun her journey after obtaining special permission from both the Sri Lankan and Indian authorities. 

To assist Jiya Rai, the Sri Lankan Navy gave her protection until the International maritime border from where the Indian coast guard took over.

She commenced her journey at 4.22 am on Sunday (20) from Talaimannar and reached Arichalmunai by 5.32 pm, completing the sea swim in 13- hours.